Viewer Discretion: The posts may not exactly be continuous in style or tone and a rich spoonful of randomity is thrown in by the blogger in most sections.
November 18, 2007
May 11, 2007
Spidey 3 Rocksss!

Hey Guys! I'm sure most of you people out there must've caught a glimpse of the new mania that hit the world..........SPIDER MANIA.This film attracted me almost immediately. And Yes, the advertisements too, didn't fail to play their part.
I watched the movie *TWICE*, the first time being the second day of the movie's release in a MultipleX together wid my sis n her frend. The Second time i watched the Movie in a Normal Theater, again with my sis and two of her frens.
I was like woohoo! right from the 1st scene! This movie has the most stunning graphics n sequences one could ever bear to watch. Together with a somewhat-constructive story, spiderman 3 never fails to impress!
I Guess Toby Maguire's role in this movie promoted his own image more, rather than him just being the man behind the mask. Kirsten Dunst also looked quite gorgeous and nonetheless amazing. Some peak points in the movie witnessed Dunst as nothing more than a Damsel in Distress.
May 7, 2007
Bomay......Evry Damn Place Looks The Same!
The Only Problem is that I DONT KNW HOW TO TRAVEL BY ANYTHING BUT A TAXI !!! Considering buses, the numbers really put my hindi knowledge to a REALLY HARD test. Take the Option of Trains, HOW DO I KNOW WHERE THEY LEAD TO???
I mean If I'm Left 2 hours away from my home in mumbai, Thats like the last u'll see of me! Coz I'll not noe which road leads where!
May 2, 2007
In Mumbai.....n enjoyin It!
K Guys.........finally in i mustve waited n waited 4 cumin here, but now that i'm here, i sort of WANNA GO BACK! Its like ive got a new house n all but its so DAMN HOT!~~
Sit in a place, and in abt. 2 seconds u'll hae u'self drenched in a solution similar to brine- TOP 2 BOTTOM.
Anywayz guyz, 2 months to be spent here n i'll try my to make the BEST out f it!
So long...............Adios Amigos!
March 23, 2007
The Clock's StarteD 2 Tick!
ISS has brought me up from THIS to THIS in the time i spent there. I really feel sad knowin tht in almost a year's time it will be ma'a salaam Salalah.
Though i've always mentioned hw under-developed this place is, It had the strength to provide me wid the basic requirements(skool,frens,fun).
So I guess I'll end here, don't wanna take much time, got a lot of preps. to do!
March 21, 2007
Life's On D RitE TracK!
March 20, 2007
VictorY Is MinE

Freedom at Last!
Victory is Mine! I've won the Battle of Pen and Paper my dear friends!
It feels great to get absolved of all my worries and tension. I am now among the seniormost in ISS, and I feel really proud of that fact.
My marks were a lot above my expectations. Now's The time that I Fly High and Above all.
March 18, 2007
The Wurld depends on Hope
March 15, 2007
Ode To ISS

This pic rite ere is of my Skool. Its the glorious institution which basks in the the glory of its alumni and upholds the spirit of the tiny ones.
OK OK OK. Cut the crap.The students of ISS keep complainin.....we don't hv this,nuthin of tht- but ultimately deep deep (really deep) down in our hearts lies the pride of being a student of the only Indian school in Salalah.
Our Skool boasts the biggest Green Grass ground amongsts all the other schools in Oman!
So Guys, This is My Ode To My School
The people I call "FRIENDS"

Exams-not my Cup of Tea
I will justify myself VictoriouS in this battle of pen and paper only on the 20th of March.That is the day which will be marked in history .
Anyways, in the evenin I had gone out to play at Wali and MAN!! It felt so good to flex my Leg Muscles and I was overjoyed by the fact that it FELT SOOOO GOOD!
Please add me on Hi5 with the following link!
March 14, 2007
Brian-who's This?
I study in a bulky, grey, three storey building called the Indian School Salalah. But believe me I do'nt regret It! After spending 16 yrs of ur life in this place(including the fact tht i was born in Salalah), there isn't much to fret about.