(My often criticised method of always writing poems that rhyme found an outlet once again. but then again, had the poem not meant anything to me, I wouldn't share it with you. Try associating with it, at one point you should be able to...If you don't, it doesn't matter much to me, save the fact that you actually read it)
Prayers for Love and Prayers for Peace
Prayers to Start and Prayers to Cease
Meditation to Question, and Meditation to seek
Meditation to Answer, Meditation for the meek.
Clasped Hands and Raised Hands
Flowing Sands and Head Bands
Religion to interpret, Religion to see
Religion to believe, Religion as key
Beads of Prayer, Beads of Bone
Beads of Ecstasy and Beads of Stone
Lowly Heads and Fresh Palms,
Raised Heads and Raised Arms
Together for prayer, together for labor
Together with peace for every neighbour
When the conches blow and the bells are ringing
Together lets pray whilst the world is praying.
Picture Courtesy: Supraket Meshram