I usually am quite planned with my meals, ensuring that I prepare them the day before but the weekend just calls for relaxation and meal-making ties you up into 2 hours of dedicated kitchen attachment which, I don't really like putting In. As a result my weekend meals get a little skewed and in all honesty, I try not to go too much overboard.
Let me start the story with a prequel of what happened on Friday. I began my weekend like any other, choosing for a rather delayed awakening at 10 am followed by quick breakfast making. I usually indulge into the slightly taxing Oats Pancakes, but I was hungry and needed hunger to be killed fast, hence turning back to the otherwise work-day breakfast of Egg whites lightly fried first, then stuffed between Wholemeal bread slices and put into the grill till the outsides are nice and crispy and the insides are really soft. The result is shown below.
Fast broken and hunger quelled, I then proceed to do what I do best, which usually involves engaging couch potato mode. The Headquarters (to be henceforth used whenever I refer to my parents) buzz on Google Talk and I readily answer engaging into a long conversation over the tiny details of my newly rented house (which I haven't moved into yet).
Time passes by and the room mate realizes its Friday Boot Camp Time (Heading to the Gym for Circuit Training), and off we trotter. What follows is an excruciating workout for 2 and a half hours, proceeding which it is decided that the next two hours are to be spent having a swim. The Roomie indulges himself into a few laps and I engage couch potato mode, only with an added underwater extension this time. This is followed by a quick trip home to shower and freshen up again followed by a totally forgetful trip to the Wafi Mall, where the only memorable discovery was the Rooftop Gardens (Good Place to take your date for a date, Dubai Lads!). We then head back to Discovery Gardens and decide to hit Saravana Bhojan Shaala for Dinner, where we quickly equate the calories we lost in the morning's workout. Saravana is always ok for average Indian comfort food. Sabji scooped up with visibly dry chapatis. Everything Hot. I for one, am ready to walk into the place at any given time of the day provided that the meal is followed by a cup of their extremely awesome filter coffee.
Note: While I technically get the day off, I had to put in an extra day at work and decided to spend this sunny little day working, like the ones to follow.
The Roomie decides to drop me to work as he is headed the same way, and we skip the joys of home breakfast for something we both love; a Subway imitation sandwich at 'Bakeria', the small food counter inside any Emarat Petrol Station. Note that they are ONLY at Emarat petrol stations, not EPPCO ones. The Sandwich costs a fraction of what its counterpart at Subway would cost, is much less greasier, even though it has similar vegetable options. Both of us go for the Tuna Sandwich. Another fact that I love is how the sandwich here is grilled firstly, on the outside, and secondly, after it has been prepared. Something I would really love to see Subway imitate (or they're going to lose me completely to Bakeria). The sandwich is accompanied by machine made Americano (forgettable).
I am then dropped to work, where I immerse myselves in the realms of my awesome job till the first pang of hunger creeps up the phone lines from the stomach till the brain. I am left to myself today, being tiffin-less. I recollect wanting to order something from Abu Ali, the Arabic restaurant round the corner a few weeks back and ring for a Hummus with pine nuts and an Eggplant Kebab.
The Hummus turns out to be a tad too creamy for my taste. Too much Tahineh, and quite less Chickpeas in my opinion. The Eggplant Kebabs are a little sweet and quite nicely done. A welcome break from the stereotypical non-vegetarian grills.
Meal is Eaten. Brian is Happy. Brian goes back to work, not before arming himself with a cup of Green Tea.
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