April 13, 2009

Ek kaam...Polaris ke naam!

Come the month of june..
and a certain group of BMM students shall be heard singing a new song..
The lyrics have already been put together...
The theme is fixed on "Never say Never"..
Unique individuals shall lend their voices,
to ensure inclusion of ONLY the right choices...

The groundwork is amazing..
Something that people at the Moffice will "hopefully" keep praising.. :D
I don't say that it'll be something hatke...
But Its gotta have some Jhatke-Matke...
After all we're Wilson BMM and we're cheap...
and luckily enough, thats not our reason to weep........

The CP has a dedicated soul..
He's someone who's definitely gonna make some heads roll...
Its not that we'll be giving volunteers the pink slip..
But again, we never said we won't use a whip........
About the Two DCPs, the less said the better..
One's a man of few words, and the other's ironically sweeter..
Three hot-heads down......8 more to go.....
Defining them isn't all so-so......
I'm thus doin you all a favour....
By not letting out our committee's flavor.......

Coming to the Tys, they're a bunch as sweet as ever...
They've done a Polaris...and so we're expecting them to be clever..
They've had their moments.....and they should have some more.... :D

So here we come with Polaris '09.....
hoping that we do well.....
to ring many a bell....
taking the "blitz" of bmm on a wild "detour", while keeping in mind our "Copyrights" and definitely our "Lakshya", not to forget our sole existence of "02"

Cheerios to my readers.....and lastly....... HAIL Polaris!