June 22, 2010

TYBMM: The Start

Considering I've missed one week of college and have no clue about the first two of my most important projects, I'm not someone who should probably dictate how the classes really "are" going, but anyways, since this is my blog and I have the permission to be ever-so-random and cynical, I shall review my first few days of the year marking the end of my life as a collegiate.

The Mood is very much so gloomy. Now the advent of the monsoons and the excellent view of a drenched chowpatty should actually prove otherwise, but i guess there is this intermittent fear within each of us; the usual "Last Year, Last Class" emotions. I assume this is pretty much foolish as there still is a whole year ahead and I secretly wonder if people aren't already fed up of the same classmates, their silly mood swings and their consistent food fads and phobias, but then again, my opinion stands alone.

Polaris should have pretty much been the norms on everyone's minds by now at least, I was guessing. For a moment i even felt that the SY committee's attitude was lackluster and ever-so-laid back. But then again, maybe i want too much, too fast probably like a worried mother constantly keeping that faithful eye on her kid playing outdoors. I have done all i possibly can to increase the enthusiasm and it was then that i realized, that  i should actually be chilling out and let them cause their own problems, find their own solutions while pretty much sitting and taking it all in. My Last Polaris in Wilson. Considering my obsession with the word and the sheer hatred to the same by the few-hundreds in my Facebook friend list, I should probably take in the sights, the sounds, and the overflowing Power Horse like any other college senior.

The exit of the 11 Odd students from the otherwise cheapest BMM class was not something we grieved about, but they will be missed for their individualistic compositions in this boiling-pot of a collective crowd. I actually envy the dozen knowing very well that all of them can and WILL take my case when it comes to writing articles and other written notes. Then again, Im in advertising....I have the best of lecturers and am on the path of what i want to become. That should pretty much satisfy the cowering writer who lies beneath. Hibernate for now, my man. Your time too shall come.

Rani Ma'am's departure from BMM was of course something i wasn't expecting for a long time. But things happen, and i must say the two new professors have a niche of their own and will one day, (i'm sure) grow to understand Sudhakar as the un-questionable.

That is pretty much my summary. I understand it sounded much like a report for a college magazine, but it was pretty much from what my mind could blabber out. Ciao!

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