May 8, 2010

The Heats getting to me...

Had all gone well, i would have probably been in Manori right now, lying on the sand or probably frolicking in the water, but plans in BMM have a nasty way of going wrong right about the last minute. So it happens again, indecisiveness comes to the rescue and i am home instead, having cancelled a very good plan of my own making.

Staying at home is also something that I have begun to find extremely boring. Well it always is! Even the wonderful occurrence of me getting to sleep as much as i may ever want sounds very unappealing. Like always, i would love to have a sleep-crisis just about now. but then thats all BMM's fault. Entirely.

After joining this seemingly "creative" course, I have discovered that If everything feels right, Its probably not. Even all this sleep in bountiful numbers seems fake to say the very least. Its like ill wake up one morning to a phone call where Jubin's probably at the other end telling me to rush to college with my project (which btw, will be half-complete as always). Fake. The word in itself has obtained numerous meanings in the past two years. In this little course I study in, and after having experienced different kinds of people, I can rightly say that, "In BMM, Everyone is fake until proven otherwise".

The Heat seems to be getting to me as you can see. Randomity prevails in most of my posts in this season. Its like someone's messed up with my brain. Just cant get my thoughts out on paper in a neat and ruled manner. My thoughts don't even seem to be mine all of a sudden. They just crop up from the corners of my brain

Ok. Back to BMM. Third Year to begin shortly. For now, Sudhakar is in Ladakh, on a trek, dealing with demons on his own. God please keep him sane. I want to get through my interview without having to give those gigantic book reviews. Must say my interview last year was a breeze. Hope similar weather conditions prevail this time around.

I constantly feel the need of a two-wheeler. Feel like asking my parents for one. But then again, for one, I think its too early, and secondly, I know they'll be too reluctant anyways. Seems my Kundali (Hindi for Horoscope) has indicated major problems between me and a two-wheeler.

Okay, BMM again. I was just browsing through a few of my TY's photographs on facebook. Hope my year ahead is awesome. Will try not to get too many people to hate me. Well, I do know that people can bitch quite an awful lot about moi. But for now, lets not initiate any hate clubs please.

Girlfriends. I last heard that this little part of a boy's life happens in college. Well im not quite desperate, but would like to get my dose of this little vaccine called puppy love soon. Well with me i'd rather call it Bull Dog Love, but then thats just one Sad PJ which will probably help draw me far from prospective applicants for the post of my lady love.

Festivals. Want to win one of these in my third year. and i definitely might be a little desperate here, but I'd definitely want to do what Royce calls, "Peeing on San Marco". Things wont get that worse if Wilson wins a festival, but I just want to deliver one of those shockers to that nasty little college in Bandra and its students who think no end of themselves. Hopefully this shall be the year.

Well, enough random thoughts. I do not want to make this note any longer. So, here I am, this is me, there's no where else I'd rather be.

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