May 12, 2010


Lets face it. A lot of people complain about my excessive obsession with Salalah, and well, life in the Gulf in General. And i definitely know that a lot of my friends who've spent their whole life in Mumbai definitely stand by the nature of this metropolitan city which never sleeps and if it does, gets up in a few hours and gets going again as if on a dose of red bull. I respect their opinion. But being born and bred in the Gulf, or as i'd very much like to say, Salalah, things have never been the same to me. Mom and Dad both told me very honestly on my departure to India, that Son, once you live for three years in Mumbai, We're sure you'd choose it over Salalah anytime. But Im sorry folks, my obsession got the best of me. Be it those huge houses with two of everything, or that sloppily made shawarma. Everything, right from the namaaz at 6 in the morning do the difference in the taste of Mountain Dew have contributed in the process of making me fall in love with a country that is not mine.

It is just these days, during my vacations that i realize how badly i miss that place. No matter how hot or how cold. I'll even get through a cheap plane ride. But I just want to be there. I'm not doing anything quite creative here, neither shall i do anything there. But I must admit it, I'm dying to get to my hometown, If one can call it.

In one and a half year to be approximate, my visa shall expire and i will not be able to travel to my country of birth as a resident. It pains to even think about it. But whatever it is, Ill enjoy myself really well the next time i get there which, (taking into consideration my TYBMM), shouldn't be anytime before one year. But ill wait. As patiently as I can.

I was, am  and shall still be an Indian. But I cant help but acknowledge that little country lying below the UAE which has in more ways than one helped me become what I am today. Thanks Dad for taking the brave step of defying the usual work culture of the family. I'm glad you didn't set sail on any ship but rather went to the Gulf. And Thanks, both Dad and Mom. For letting me and Sonia grow up in a country i can proudly call my home. In fact, I can mention more ways by which I'm more of an Omani rather than a Goan.

PS: If Oman were in the running to the FIFA world cup, I'd be the proudest Indian :D

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