August 3, 2010

Little into my last year

Ah! It has finally happened. Projects have started hitting us left, right and centre and no matter how much we curse them for being there, we can't avoid the minuscule joy we get by their mere presence. We were just done with one on promoting ourselves as brands, for example. My work was definitely not my best for this one, but at the end of the day im glad i was atleast original in my concepts and output. You guys can have a peek at the campaign here.

In other news, I try each day to get to know my freshers' better. Just thought that would be a good way to get around things for once, instead of the usual, "I-am-an-arrogant-senior-you-are-a-puny-FY" kind of thing. Well, sending all of them facebook friend requests might not be the perfect ice-breaker, but i hope I'll get to know them well atleast in a month or two.

I must say its quite odd adjusting to life as a senior. The tables have quite so neatly been turned, as people tend to come to you for advice and consultation on a vast number of issues. This too shall pass i believe.

On a personal front, Every passing week seems to teach me something new in politics or diplomacy. I am kind of getting to look through a lot of fake bubbles, which don't seem to burst but just grow bigger.

If you may not have known before, i still believe that I have to get smitten by the constantly fleeting love bug atleast this year. I desperately feel that no matter how dumb or flawed puppy love may be, its still good while it happens. And as much as i do not want to sound wannabe, now would probably be a good time.

In the meantime, life goes on. College is seemingly good so far and the rumour mills have gotten rid of news related to me i hope, or atleast that is what i pray.

This is a very random post, i know but my cup was full and i needed to pour the overflow out somewhere. :D

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